Best fist weapon in Fallout 4

5 may 2024 at 8:22

Melee Weapons, or Close Combat Weapons are not often chosen by players in Fallout 4, especially against more powerful rifles and pistols. And there aren't so many choices among them. But what if we tell you that there are still worthy options?

In this guide, we've gathered the best melee weapons in Fallout 4 and detailed their capabilities. With desire, you can make your character a real tank, covering all the gameplay content and standing even against the most powerful mobs. 


The main perk for characters who play in close and hand-to-hand combat is Iron Fist. The ability increases the damage from fist weapons and unarmed attacks by 20%. At level 5 of the perk, the damage dealt increases twofold, turning the hero into a killing machine. Additionally, critical hits in V.A.T.S. mode temporarily paralyze enemies. 

The perk works with the following weapons:

  • Boxing glove;
  • Knuckles;
  • Meat hook;
  • Power fist;
  • Deathclaw gauntlet.

Another useful ability is Critical Banker. Suitable for players who like to kill enemies in V.A.T.S. At level 5 of the perk, you can store 4 critical hits for later use in V.A.T.S.

Power Fist

AbilityIron Fist
Damage dealt 20
Damage TypePhysical

Power Fist - rightfully one of the best melee weapons in Fallout 4. It has only two modifications available: Heating coil and Piercing. The latter deals more damage of the same type as the fist's damage. Plus, the Piercing modification has another useful property - Armor Piercing

Going ahead: all other fist weapons significantly lag behind in damage compared to the power fist. So, if you're looking for the best option, stick with it. 

Armor Piercing Gauntlets

Armor Piercing Gauntlets, or Power Gauntlets, are part of armor that can attack and deal damage. But you can only do this after installing a modification. One of them is Tesla Bracers

However, this option is better not to be taken seriously. For example, to kill a Legendary Fog Crawler, you will need more than 70 hits. And even if such a victory is possible in a test, in real combat, you simply won't have enough time and opportunities to land nearly a hundred hits. 


AbilityIron Fist
Damage dealt 10
Damage TypePhysical

This is a regular metal knuckle with average attack speed. The main and practically the only advantage of this weapon is its low cost of attack in V.A.T.S. and the ability to inflict bleeding damage with a modification. But this weapon shouldn't be taken seriously - it's not suitable for serious combat even at the beginning of the game. 

 You cannot equip two knuckles in the game

Boxer's Punch

The damage from Boxer's Punch is even less than that from knuckles. To enhance the weapon, immediately install the Piercing modification, and then you will have at least some damage, although still low. An alternative is Lead Plating, also a decent option. 

Meat Hook

AbilityIron Fist
Damage dealt 20
Legendary PropertyCritical hits restore AP
Damage TypePhysical

Meat Hook - the second legendary melee weapon, critical hits of which restore Action Points. You can purchase the hook from Erickson in the Far Harbor add-on at the Horizon Flight 1207 crash site.

Of all the modifications available for the weapon, you can add additional hooks, which slightly increase the damage, but that's it. The hook's damage is noticeably lower than that of the power fist. The only reason to use it is to feel like Freddy Krueger from the world of Fallout 4. 

You can also try using the hook in V.A.T.S. mode. With the Iron Fist perk upgraded, you can just stun the enemy. The problem is the amount of time you will spend on it because the meat hook inflicts quite low damage. 

Deathclaw Gauntlet

AbilityIron Fist
Damage dealt 25
Legendary PropertyCritical hits restore AP
Damage TypePhysical

This weapon can inflict even more damage than the Power Fist with an additional claw, which can be obtained with the only available modification. However, the Power Fist still gets an advantage due to the Piercing property, so it remains ahead in damage. 

Based on the top, a simple but bleak conclusion can be drawn: melee weapons in Fallout 4 are predominantly weak and do not provide significant advantages in combat. Such a strategy will only suit extremely desperate players who want to realize even dubious ideas. Exception: Power Fist with modifications and upgraded perks for melee combat, which can deliver at least some consistently high damage. 

Author: victory

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